p5-constant-defer | constant subs with deferred value calculation | |
p5-Context-Preserve | Perl 5 module to run code after a subroutine call | |
p5-Contextual-Return | Perl 5 module to create context-senstive return values | |
p5-Convert-Binary-C | Binary Data Conversion using C Types | |
p5-Coro | Perl module for threads | |
p5-CPAN-Changes | Read and write Changes files | |
p5-CPAN-Checksums | Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN | |
p5-CPAN-Common-Index | Library for searching CPAN modules, authors and distributions | |
p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo | Perl 5 module to extract distname and version from distfile | |
p5-CPAN-FindDependencies | Perl 5 module to find dependencies for modules on the CPAN | |
p5-CPAN-Inject | Inject a distribution for installation via the CPAN shell | |
p5-CPAN-Meta-Check | Perl module to verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object | |
p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements | Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist | |
p5-CPAN-Mini | Create a minimal mirror of CPAN | |
p5-CPAN-ParseDistribution | Index a file from the BackPAN to give name and version of the distr'n | |
p5-CPAN-Perl-Releases | Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs | |
p5-CPAN-Reporter | Adds CPAN Testers reporting to p5-CPAN | |
p5-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic | Dynamic prerequisites in meta files | |
p5-CPAN-Uploader | Perl 5 module to upload things to the CPAN | |
p5-CPANPLUS | Ameliorated interface to the CPAN | |
p5-Cucumber-TagExpressions | Cucumber tag expression parser | |
p5-curry | Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object | |
p5-Curses | Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization | |
p5-Curses-UI | Curses based user user interface framework | |
p5-Curses-UI-POE | Subclass for Curses::UI that enables it to work with POE | |
p5-Cwd-Guard | Perl module for changing the working directory | |
p5-Data-Alias | Comprehensive set of aliasing operations | |
p5-Data-Binary | Simple detection of binary versus text in strings | |
p5-Data-Buffer | Perl5 module for low-level binary buffer | |
p5-Data-Compare | Perl5 module comparing arbitrary data structures | |
p5-Data-Denter | (deprecated) alternative Perl 5 module to Data::Dumper and Storable | |
p5-Data-Dump | Pretty printing of data structures | |
p5-Data-Dump-Streamer | Perl 5 module to serialize a data structure as Perl | |
p5-Data-Dumper | Stringified perl data structures | |
p5-Data-Dumper-Concise | Perl 5 module to dump references with concision and deparsing | |
p5-Data-Dumper-Names | Dump variables with names (no source filter) | |
p5-Data-Entropy | Perl module to manage entropy sources | |
p5-Data-Float | Perl module for floating point data | |
p5-Data-GUID | Perl 5 module for globally unique identifiers | |
p5-Data-Hierarchy | Perl module for handling data in a hierarchical structure | |
p5-Data-IEEE754 | Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles | |
p5-Data-Integer | Details of the native integer data type | |
p5-Data-MessagePack | MessagePack serialising/deserialising | |
p5-Data-Munge | Various utility functions | |
p5-Data-ObjectDriver | Simple and generic abstraction to databases | |
p5-Data-OptList | Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs | |
p5-Data-Page | Pager utility for Class::DBI | |
p5-Data-Page-Pageset | Change long page list to be shorter and well navigate | |
p5-Data-Pageset | Page numbering and page sets | |
p5-Data-Peek | Perl 5 collection of low-level debug functions | |
p5-Data-Perl | Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types | |
p5-Data-Printer | Colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects | |
p5-Data-Properties (V) | Perl version of Java's java.util.Properties | |
p5-Data-Random | Perl module to generate random data | |
p5-Data-Record | Perl5 module for split on steroids | |
p5-Data-Section | Perl 5 module to read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section | |
p5-Data-Section-Simple | Extract data from __DATA__ section of the file | |
p5-Data-Serializer | Perl 5 module to serialize data structures | |
p5-Data-ShowTable | Perl module to print arrays of data in nicely formatted listings | |
p5-Data-Stag | Structured Tags datastructures | |
p5-Data-Structure-Util | Change nature of data within a structure | |
p5-Data-Taxi | Perl 5 module providing taint-aware, XML-ish data serialization | |
p5-Data-TemporaryBag | Handle long size data using temporary file | |
p5-Data-Types (V) | Validate and convert data types | |
p5-Data-Uniqid | Perl extension for simple generaion of unique ids | |
p5-Data-UUID | Perl module for generating UUIDs | |
p5-Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe | URL-safe UUIDs | |
p5-Data-Validate-IP | IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods | |
p5-Data-Visitor | Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures | |
p5-Date-Business | Perl5 module for fast calendar and business date calculations | |
p5-Date-Calc | Perl5 module for Gregorian calendar date calculations | |
p5-Date-Calc-XS | XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc | |
p5-Date-Manip | Perl5 module for date calculations | |
p5-Date-Simple | Simple date object | |
p5-Debug-Client | Client side code for perl debugger | |
p5-Debug-ShowStuff | Collection of handy debugging routines to display values of variables | |
p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple | Perl 5 module for declarative validation of data structures | |
p5-Devel-Autoflush | Perl module to set autoflush from the command line | |
p5-Devel-CallChecker | Custom op checking attached to subroutines | |
p5-Devel-Caller | Meatier versions of caller | |
p5-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces | Provide caller that ignores specific namespaces | |
p5-Devel-CallParser | Custom parsing attached to subroutines | |
p5-Devel-CheckBin | Perl extension to check that a command is available | |
p5-Devel-CheckCompiler | Check the compiler availability | |
p5-Devel-CheckLib | Perl extension to check that a library is available | |
p5-Devel-CheckOS | Perl extension to check what OS we are running on | |
p5-Devel-Confess | Include stack traces on all warnings and errors | |
p5-Devel-Cover | Perl 5 module providing code coverage metrics | |
p5-Devel-Cycle | Perl5 module to find memory cycles in objects | |
p5-Devel-Declare | Declarator magic for perl | |
p5-Devel-Dumpvar | Perl 5 module providing a pure-OO reimplementation of dumpvar.pl | |
p5-Devel-ebug | Simple, extensible Perl 5 debugger | |
p5-Devel-EvalContext | Perl 5 module to save lexicals and hints between calls to eval | |
p5-Devel-Events | Perl 5 module providing an extensible instrumentation framework | |
p5-Devel-Events-Objects | Perl 5 module providing object tracking support for Devel::Events | |
p5-Devel-FindPerl | Perl 5 module providing the path of the running perl | |
p5-Devel-FindRef | Perl 5 module to track down references | |
p5-Devel-Gladiator | Perl 5 module to walk Perl's arena | |
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction | Perl 5 package exposing the flag which marks global destruction | |
p5-Devel-Hide | Meatier versions of caller |